Comments on Homestake Mining Company’s Progress Summary: Microfiltration, LTP Tracer Testing, TPP Injections Research, CAP, DRP, Site-Wide Water Balance Tool, and Rebound Evaluation, George Rice, Jan 2014
George Rice January 21, 2014
This is an evaluation of Homestake Mining Company’s (HMC) Progress Summary: Microfiltration, LTP Tracer Testing, TPP Injections Research, CAP, DRP, Site-Wide Water Balance Tool, and Rebound Evaluation (Progress Summary)1. This evaluation was performed for the Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance (BVDA).
For more information see attached pdf: Comments on Homestake Mining Company’s Progress Summary: Microfiltration, LTP Tracer Testing, TPP Injections Research, CAP, DRP, Site-Wide Water Balance Tool, and Rebound Evaluation, 21 November 2013