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About Us

MASE MembersMASE Vision

The Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment envisions respectful, peaceful communities cherishing a healthy environment.

MASE Mission

MASE is rooted in the experiences of uranium-impacted communities of the southwestern U.S.  We are communities working to restore and protect the natural and cultural environment through respectfully promoting intercultural engagement among communities and institutions for the benefit of all life and future generations.

MASE works by

  • Developing and strengthening the relationships among the people of this community and region.
  • Understanding the complex and rich ecosystem that sustains and includes us.
  • Initiating and supporting sustainable ways of working and living that promote the health and well-being among the people and the environment
  • Engaging with government and industry to re-mediate and stop harm to our people and the environment.

Our Organizers

 Susan Gordon– MASE Coordinator

 Susan Gordon joined MASE as our second coordinator. She has more than two decades of grassroots organizing experience with impacted community groups around the nuclear weapons complex. Susan was previously the director of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability where she led a similsusangprofilepicar network of individual organizations that developed national strategies on nuclear weapons policy and environmental clean up issues. She has experience working with Congress and several federal agencies including the Departments of Energy, Labor, and Health & Human Services, as well as the Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Our Core Group of Alliances

  • Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance (BVDA) is a grassroots group made up largely of residents and property owners directly affected by groundwater pollution and radiation releases form the Homestake/Barrick Gold Mining Company uranium mill and tailings pile near Milan, NM and by the historic discharges of mining and milling waste from dozens of mines and two other uranium mills in the Ambrosia Lake Mining District northwest of Grants, NM.
  • Eastern Navajo Diné Against Uranium Mining (ENDAUM) is a grassroots group opposing construction of the Crownpoint Uranium Project, a uranium in situ leach (ISL) mining operation proposed for two sites in Churchrock Chapter and two in Crownpoint Chapter of the Navajo Nation.
  • Laguna-Acoma Coalition for a Safe Environment (LACSE) is a grassroots group of residents of Laguna and Acoma pueblos dedicated to assessing community and environmental health from impacts of past uranium development and protecting sacred cultural sites and areas, including Mt. Taylor, a mountain sacred to Indigenous peoples of New Mexico.
  • Post-71 Uranium Workers Committee (Post ’71) is a group of former uranium miners , millers, ore haulers, and drillers who aim to document health conditions among people who worked in the uranium industry after 1971 and to secure compensation for post 1971
    uranium workers under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) as amended.
  • Red Water Pond Road Community Association (RWPRCA) is a grassroots organization of Diné families who have experienced and lived with the impacts of uranium mining and milling in the Church Rock mining area since the 1960s. Our mission is to restore the land and water contaminated by uranium mining, improve the health of community members, and protect and preserve the natural and cultural environment in which we live. RWPRCA is a nonprofit organization recognized under Navajo Nation laws including Fundamental Laws of the Diné, Title 1, Chapter 2.  


    Contact MASE

    Multicultural Alliance For A Safe Environment P.O. Box 4524 Albuquerque, NM 87196 Phone 505-577-8438                                                                  E-mail: 


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