Mt Taylor Zombie Mine – Dec 4 Hearing on Permit to Restart
On December 4, the New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division will hold a public hearing to seek input about whether Rio Grande Resources’ (RGR) Mt. Taylor Mine can restart. The public hearing is scheduled for Friday, December 4, 2015 at 10:00 AM. The location of the public hearing will be at the Commission Meeting Room, Cibola County Offices, 515 West High Street, Grants, New Mexico.
Comments regarding RGR’s request for return of the Mount Taylor Mine to active status including the updated closeout plan and financial assurance plan may be submitted to the Director of the Mining and Minerals Division at the following address: Director Mining and Minerals Division NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department 1220 South St. Francis Drive Santa Fe, NM 87505 Written comments must be received by the Director prior to the close of the Hearing record set during the Hearing. A copy of RGR’s application for return of the Mount Taylor Mine to active status including the updated closeout plan and financial assurance plan is available at the Mother Whiteside Library, 525 W. High, Grants, New Mexico and in Santa Fe at the Mining and Minerals Division’s office. These documents are also available for viewing on the MMD website at: For additional information regarding the RGR application for return of the Mount Taylor Mine to active status including the updated closeout plan and financial assurance plan, please contact the Mining and Minerals Division, Mining Act Reclamation Program at 1220 South St. Francis Drive, Santa Fe, NM 87505 or contact David Clark, Permit Lead, at (505) 476-3416, or by e-mail at