Post-’71 radiation victims face uphill battle in fight for compensation
January 17, 2017
MILAN — When the Chicago Cubs won the 2016 World Series, it was proof positive that nothing is impossible — except maybe getting Congress to pass the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act amendments as written.
Or getting the New Mexico Legislature to show its support for sick, dead and dying contributors to the nation’s defense by passing a memorial supporting Uranium Workers Day.
Without state support, it is highly unlikely that congressional leaders across the country will pay much attention to the bill when it is reintroduced, Linda Evers, co-chairwoman of the Post-’71 Uranium Workers Committee, told a full house Saturday at the American Legion in Milan.
“I think Washington could hear us a little bit better if we had the voice of our New Mexico legislators on board with it,” Evers said. “The main goal here is we have to put pressure on Washington. We’re going to have to get nationwide attention.”
State Rep. Wonda Johnson, D-McKinley County, is reintroducing the memorial, which would be an important piece of paper in Washington, Evers said.
“We still have our resolutions from the 19 Native American tribes in the Four Corners area,” she said. “It’s the New Mexico Legislature we’ve been trying to get on board for years. They haven’t done it yet.”
Read the full story here.